Food Tank’s Fall 2018 Reading List—19 Books To Take the Food System Back

Food Tank Fall 2018 Reading List

Last month, I was honored to attend the Food Tank Summit in NYC. Food Tank is the “Think Tank for Food”, dedicated to the education and awareness of food policy, food waste and food insecurity. The summit was informative and thought-provoking and I asked Food Tank CEO, Danielle Nierenberg, if I could post this list for Wellness Wednesday, highlighting 19 books about food and agriculture to “Fall” for this season.

These books explore food policy, nutrition science, healthy eating, food justice, and the challenges of farming. Readers will be able to immerse themselves in new roles as activists, brewers, chefs, farmers, politicians, and more.

Included in the list, consumer advocate, nutritionist, and author of six prize-winning books Marion Nestle’s Unsavory Truth offers readers another glance into nutrition which unveils how big companies and misled policymakers have taken over the food world. We Fed an Island by Humanitarian Chef Jose Andres, chronicles Andres and his journey around post-Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico with his World Central Kitchen, Cocoa, by Kristy Leissle navigates the world of chocolate, laden with power struggles, political maneuvering, and labor exploitation.

For the complete list and brief descriptions the complete article via Food Tank is here:

We hope that Food Tank’s 19 top picks will inspire new and old activists, leaders, and innovators in the food system.

It not just a moment, but a movement to end food waste and take back our food systems